The BPK's Board Member II Explains the Disaster Audit in the INCOSAI XXII in Abu Dhabi

As part of the 22nd Congress of the association of the world's State Audit Institutions (SAIs), Indonesia had an opportunity to explain its experiences in auditing disaster in front of participants of the Seminar of Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services on Friday, December 9, 2016 in Abu Dhabi.

The Board Member II of the BPK, Agus Joko Pramono, explained BPK's experiences in auditing disaster management in the cases of tsunami in Aceh and earthquake and erruption in Yogyakarta.

In the seminar, the Board Member was accompanied by the Principal Auditor II of the BPK, Bahtiar Arif. He emphasized the importance of strategy and methodology in the disaster audit. The strategy is devided into the pre-disaster handling, the disaster phase, and post-disaster phase. The lesson learned from other SAIs regarding audit processes and methodology became an interesting issues to discuss.

In the future, Indonesia will be appointed as the Project Leader Audit on Disaster Preparedness in the world's SAIs community. It will be an excellent opportunity for the BPK to show its ability and capacity as an audit institution competent in the disaster audit.

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