Chairman and Vice Chairman of the BPK Took an Official Oath

Chairman and Vice Chairman of the BPK, Dr. Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara, S.E., Ak., C.P.A., C.A. and Prof. Dr. Bahrullah Akbar, M.B.A. took an official oath today (4/26) at the Supreme Court Building in Jakarta.

The oath guided by the Chairman of the Supreme Court, Dr. M. Hatta Ali, S.H., M.H. was conducted as mandated by Law Number 15 Year 2016, article 6 paragraph (2) regarding the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, which stated that before taking office, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the BPK are obliged to take an official oath in respect of their religion.

Chairman and Vice Chairman of the BPK were appointed with acclamation in the BPK’s Board Meeting, which took place on Friday (21/4). The appointment was conducted by all 9 Board Members of the BPK, as stipulated in the Law Number 15 Year 2016, article 15 paragraph (2), stating that the Chairman and Vice Chairman are appointed among and by BPK’s Board Members. This is also stated in BPK Regulation Number 1 Year 2014 regarding the amendment of BPK Regulation Number 1 Year 2009 regarding procedure in the appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Public Relations and International Cooperation Bureau

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