BPK Held International Seminar and Conveyed the Endeavor of SAI to Meet Public Expectations for Public Sector Improvement

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Gianyar, Monday (December 11, 2023) - Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) must demonstrate sustainable relevance to society, parliament, and other stakeholders. This can be managed by responding to challenges from society, expectations from various stakeholders, as well as emerging risks and changes in the environment in which audits are conducted.

"To demonstrate credibility for beneficial change, SAI must understand broader public sector developments, and engage with stakeholders on how SAI can make improvements in the public sector," said the Chair of BPK Isma Yatun at the opening of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Seminar on How to Meet the Public Expectation on SAI, at the BPK Training Institute of State Financial Audit in Gianyar, today (11/12).

A total of 23 participants from 22 SAI namely Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Cyprus, Indonesia, India, Jordan, Japan, Cambodia, Kuwait, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Yemen. The keynote speakers in the seminar were Sutthi Suntharanurak, Director of the International Affairs Office, SAO of Thailand and Nila Eka Putri, Senior Trainer, BPK RI. The participants will attend the training for 5 days, from December 11 to 15, 2023.

In her opening remarks, the Chair of BPK also explained that the INTOSAI Principle 12 emphasizes that SAI must effectively communicate and demonstrate relevance to the public by reporting audit results as the government accountability. BPK RI manages relationships with stakeholders in various ways. BPK's relationship with the DPR as a stakeholder is realized through the submission of a summary of the audit report every semester.

BPK also provides a platform called the Follow-up Monitoring Information System (SIPTL) as a communication channel between BPK and the ministry or institution being audited to monitor the status of follow-up on audit recommendations. "Given the involvement of the public in the digital era, BPK also provides online communication channels that are more accessible and more efficient. One of them is an online service information centre called E-PPID, where the public can ask for information or provide further details on BPK's audit results," Isma explained. In addition, BPK also uses social media to provide the up-to-date information on BPK activities.

ASOSAI is an organization of audit institutions in Asia which is one of the regional groups under the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The ASOSAI seminar is organized in collaboration with the ASOSAI Capacity Development Administrator (SAI of Japan). The seminar is held biennially and aims to provide a forum for managerial level or senior management to share experiences related to how public expectations on SAI.

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