Clarification on Media Coverage on Infrastructure Project

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Jakarta, Monday (22 October 2018) – Responding to the news in the media related to infrastructure projects, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) needs to explains the following matters:

  1. BPK has never made a statement as stated in the title or content of the news on on 19 October 2018.
  2. Based on BPK’s audit result, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (KemenPUPR) has realized infrastructure expenditures in 2015, 2016, and 2017 in total of Rp289,93 trillion and there is no infrastructure found stalled.
  3. BPK appreciates all programs implemented by KemenPUPR including the construction of Asian Games facilities which can be completed with a limited time and be utilized.
  4. For the infrastructure expenditures year 2018, BPK has not yet conducted audit since the activities are currently on going and the audit will be carried out in 2019.

KemenPUPR is currently not only working on the 2018 State Budget, but also focusing on the rehabilitation program completion on the impact of earthquake in West Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi.

Bureau of Public Relations and International Cooperation

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