Press Release on the 70th Indonesian Independence Day

BPK Supports the National Movement “Ayo Kerja”

Jakarta, Monday (August 17, 2015) – As a state institution as the state institution auditing the management and accountability of the state finance, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) holds an important role to guard and ensure the use of the state finance for people’s prosperity. For 69 years guarding the state finance, the BPK experienced its dynamic development along with the development of Indonesia. From the beginning of the independence until recently, the BPK continues working to develop its institutional organization, improve its capability in auditing and the quality of its audit result.

In the reformation era, the BPK experienced a significant development with the amendment of the Constitution 1945. Moreover, since the issuance of three laws on the state finance in 2003-2004 and the Law 15 Year 2006 regarding the BPK, the BPK’s role as the only auditing institution of the state finance becomes obvious. The support from those laws proves the people’s trust in the BPK.

In the recent development, the BPK has improved the quality of its audit processes and results. The BPK’s reports become a highly necessary document not only for the House of Representatives, the House of Regional Representatives, and the Regional House of Representatives in implementing their functions, but also for the society to jointly supervise the state finance management. The government also uses BPK’s reports to improve the performance of the management and accountability of the state finance.

For the past five years (2010-2014), the BPK has delivered 215,991 recommendations worth Rp 77.61 trillions to the audited entities. From that amount, 55.56% of the recommendations worth Rp 26.30 trillions have been followed up. During those five years, the follow up actions such as asset delivery and/or money transferred to the state account have been accumulated to Rp 16.05 trillions. This is only a part of assets and/or state budget the BPK succeeded to save by supervising the follow up of BPK’s recommendations.

For the law enforcement, BPK’s reports become the input to follow up findings indicating criminal offense. For the past five years (2010-2014), the BPK has delivered 169 audit findings containing criminal offense worth 2.21 trillion rupiahs to the law enforcement to be legally processed.

Some of the mentioned BPK’s achievements fully support the realization of transparent and accountable management of the state finance. The BPK works hard in fulfilling the independence with prioritizing the independency, integrity and professionalism, as also the momentum to implement the national movement “Ayo Kerja”

Head of Public Relations and International Cooperation

R Yudi Ramdan Budiman

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