BPK's Chairman Officially Opens its Training Office in Gowa

The BPK's Chairman, Harry Azhar Azis, officially opened its Training Office in Gowa, South Sulawesi on Monday, Januari 9, 2017. This was witnessed by the Board Member VI, Bahrullah Akbar, the Governor of the South Sulawesi Province, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, all Governors of Indonesian eastern regions, Regents of all South Sulawesi Regencies, the Communication Forum of Regional Heads of South Sulawesi, the Member of the Commission XI of the House of Representatives, the Head of the National Institute of Public Administration of Indonesia (LAN), and the Head of the BPK's Training Center in Jakarta, Dwi Setiawan Susanto.

In his report, the Head of the BPK's Training Center said that the building of the Training Office in Gowa is as the modernization of the former office built in Makassar. This development answers the improving need of the competency development of BPK's officers in Indonesian eastern regions including inspectorates' officers in the Indonesian eastern regions, as well as the demand on methods and media to support thematical learning, whereas one of the training office's superiority is the infrastructure training.

The Training Office in Gowa was built on the area of 20,313 m2 located in Jalan HM. Yasin Limpo, Kelurahan Romangpolong, Kecamatan Somba Opu in Gowa Regency. It has three main buildings each of which is for offices and training facilities, boarding houses and prayer facilities.

In his speech, the Governor of the South Sulawesi Province was grateful and appreciated the building of the Training Office in Gowa, as he hoped it will be beneficial fo all provinces in Indonesian eastern regions. In the meantime, the Chairman of the BPK said that the building of the Training Office is the form of BPK's support to professionalism and competency of human resources of auditors of the state finance. The Training Office in Gowa will not only be used to develop the competency of BPK's auditors in all over Indonesia, but also Government's Internal Inspectors (APIP) in all parts of Indonesia.

The opening of the Training Office in Gowa was accompanied with a seminar themed Organizational Challenges in the Human Resources Development. The seminar was held at the Auditorium of the Training Office, presenting the Chairman of the BPK, the Board Member, the Head of the National Institute of Public Administration of Indonesia (LAN), the Governor of the South Sulawesi Province and the Member of the House of Representatives as the resources persons.

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